Calculating Polarization Switching Barrier using SS-NEB
This tutorial is based on VASP compiled with VTST package
Last updated
This tutorial is based on VASP compiled with VTST package
Last updated
Written by Cheng-Wei Lee (clee2 [at] mines [dot] edu)
Pyroelectric materials by definition have spontaneous polarization () due to lack of inversion symmetry but whether can be experimentally reversed by an external electric field before dielectric breakdown happens determines if a material is ferroelectric. The critical electric field to reverse is the coercive field (). While quantitative prediction of coercive field quires larger scale simulations of domain wall motions, polarization switching barrier () at atomic scale can provide qualitative insights since describe the required energy density to change .
Determined the minimum energy path (MEP) between them
We can determine the antipolar structure once the nonpolar structure is determined. The nonpolar parent structure can be determined using Group-super group relations[1] and one examplar online tool to find the pseudosymmetry is PSEUDO. Here, a python script to find antipolar structure in wurtzite-type is provided. The script assumes the layered hexagonal structure as the nonpolar structure for wurtzite-type polar structures.
Once the end images (polar and antipolar structures) are determined and created, here are the steps to perform the SS-NEB calculations
Fully relax (ionic position, cell size, and cell shape) the end images
Use linear interpolation (cell as well as ionic positions) between end images to get the initial intermediate images
Run SS-NEB calculations till convergence is reached.
Here's an exemplar VASP input file for the SS-NEB calculations:
A large number of intermediate images are usually needed to find the SS-NEB pathway between polar and antipolar structures of multinary wurtzite-type materials. Since the current VTST implementation is limited to 99 intermediate images and to speed up the process, segmentation of the pathway is generally needed (see below). We recommend to have 2-3x the number cations within the simulation cell as the initial number of intermediate images and run roughly 100-200 SS-NEB steps to capture the the unconverged MPE. We then separate the path into multiple segments based on the local minima and fully relaxed them to be the new end images. Further segmentation may be needed and we converge each segment independently and connect them at the end.
Once the minimum energy path is determined by the SS-NEB method, we extract the energy density with respect to the polar structure. It is calculated by the energy difference from the polar structure and normalized by the volume of the polar structure. The polarization barrier is then determined by the largest energy density peak along the switching pathway (see the image below)
While the unit of eV/f.u. is commonly used in the literature, it is not a good choice when comparing materials with different number of cations[2] since the choice leads to spuriously lower barrier for materials with higher number of cations.
Calculating polarization switching barrier () can be broken into two general components:
Finding the polar (+) and antipolar (-) structures of a given material (with polar point group)
Once the MEP is determined, the largest barrier along the path is the .