Boltzmann Transport Theory and Thermoelectric Performance

A guide to modeling charge transport properties and thermoelectric performance


Thermoelectric properties in a material can often be described using Boltzmann transport theory under low applied field. The electrical and thermal current densities can be described in terms of the applied electric field and a thermal gradient. The relevant charge transport properties, namely the electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and the electronic contribution to the thermal conductivity, can be derived from electrical and thermal current densities.

Basic Theory

Thermoelectric Performance

Single Parabolic Band Model

The single parabolic band assumption forms the simplest, first-order description of a material's electronic structure. Often, this is a reasonable approximation in regards to charge transport properties.

The electronic thermal conductivity can be expressed as

Using the Fermi-Dirac integral, the carrier concentration can also be expressed as

Two-Band Model

The two-band model described here involves the transport of both electrons and holes. In other words, information about the conduction and valence bands are necessary, as well as the band gap. It is convenient to represent the electron and hole contributions separately (using the single parabolic band model of transport as described above) and derive the total electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and electronic thermal conductivity from the two contributions.

The important aspect of the two-band model to keep in mind is that the model can be built from the individual contributions of electrons and holes. Therefore, a rational way to write a script for the two-band model would be to write functions relevant for the single-band model and to subsequently use those functions to build the two-band model.

Computational Details

Necessary Modules

Scientific computing can be handled solely by numpy. The Fermi-Dirac integral can be evaluated using the fdint module.

import numpy as np
from fdint import *

Fundamental Constants

We need to define fundamental constants (in SI units) to describe transport properties.

k = 1.38E-23      # Boltzmann's constant
e = 1.602E-19     # Charge
me = 9.109E-31    # Free electron mass
h = 6.626E-34     # Planck's constant

Transport Properties for a Single Band

# Electrical conductivity
def Sigma_SPB(mu_w, eta, T, r):
	return 8. * np.pi * e / 3 / h**3 * (2*me*k*T)**(3./2) * mu_w * (r+3./2) * fdk(k=r+1./2, phi=eta)

# Seebeck coefficient
def Seebeck_SPB(eta, r):
	return k/e * (-eta + (r+5./2)*fdk(k=r+3./2, phi=eta)/(r+3./2)/fdk(k=r+1./2, phi=eta))

# Lorenz number
def Lorenz_SPB(eta, r):
	return (k/e)**2 * ( (r+7./2)*fdk(k=r+5./2, phi=eta)/(r+3./2)/fdk(k=r+1./2, phi=eta) - ( (r+5./2)*fdk(k=r+3./2, phi=eta)/(r+3./2)/fdk(k=r+1./2, phi=eta) )**2 )
# Electronic thermal conductivity
def Kappa_e_SPB(mu_w, eta, T, r):
        return Lorenz(eta, r) * sigma(mu_w, eta, T, r) * T

For example, if we set the following parameters for our model system:

temperature = 300 	# Temperature (K)
kappa_L = 1 		# Lattice thermal conductivity (W/mK)
band_mass = 0.5*me	# Effective electron mass (kg)
NV = 1 			# Valley degeneracy
r = -1/2 		# Scattering parameter (assumes acoustic phonon scattering)
tau0 = 1e-13		# Scattering prefactor (s)

we obtain the following plots:

Transport Properties in a Two-Band Model

When both holes and electrons contribute to thermoelectric transport, the transport coefficients need to be evaluated using the two-band model.

The electrical conductivity is simply the sum of the conductivities of the electrons and holes:

# Electrical conductivity within the two-band model
def Sigma_TwoBand(mu_w_maj, mu_w_min, eta_maj, eta_min, T, r):
	sigma_maj = Sigma_SPB(mu_w_maj, eta_maj, T, r)
	sigma_min = Sigma_SPB(mu_w_min, eta_min, T, r)
	sigma_total = sigma_maj + sigma_min
	return sigma_total

Note that Sigma_SPB is the electrical conductivity from a single parabolic band.

The Seebeck coefficient is a sum of the Seebeck coefficients of the electrons and holes, weighted by their respective conductivities:

# Seebeck coefficient within the two-band model
# NOTE: Assumes n-type material (electrons = majority)
def Seebeck_TwoBand(mu_w_maj, mu_w_min, eta_maj, eta_min, T, r):
	sigma_maj = Sigma_SPB(mu_w_maj, eta_maj, T, r)
	sigma_min = Sigma_SPB(mu_w_min, eta_min, T, r)

	Seebeck_maj = Seebeck_SPB(eta_maj, r)
	Seebeck_min = Seebeck_SPB(eta_min, r)

	sigma_total = sigma_maj + sigma_min
	Seebeck_total = (-sigma_maj*Seebeck_maj + sigma_min*Seebeck_min) / sigma_total

	return Seebeck_total

Note that Seebeck_SPB is the Seebeck coefficient from a single parabolic band.

The electronic thermal conductivity can be codified as

def Kappa_e_TwoBand(mu_w_maj, mu_w_min, eta_maj, eta_min, T, r):
	sigma_maj = Sigma_SPB(mu_w_maj, eta_maj, T, r)
	sigma_min = Sigma_SPB(mu_w_min, eta_min, T, r)

	Seebeck_maj = Seebeck_SPB(eta_maj, r)
	Seebeck_min = Seebeck_SPB(eta_min, r)

	Lorenz_maj = Lorenz_SPB(eta_maj, r)
	Lorenz_min = Lorenz_SPB(eta_min, r)	

	sigma_ratio = sigma_maj / sigma_min

	sigma_total = sigma_maj + sigma_min
	Seebeck_total = (-sigma_maj*Seebeck_maj + sigma_min*Seebeck_min) / sigma_total
	kappa_e_total = (Lorenz_maj*sigma_maj + Lorenz_min*sigma_min)*T + sigma_total*T*(Seebeck_maj**2/(1.+1./sigma_ratio) + Seebeck_min**2/(1.+sigma_ratio) - Seebeck_total**2)

	return kappa_e_total

Note that Lorenz_SPB is the Lorenz number from a single parabolic band.

If we set the following parameters in our model system:

temperature = 300 	# Temperature (K)
kappa_L = 1 		# Lattice thermal conductivity (W/mK)
r = -1/2 		# Scattering parameter (assumes acoustic phonon scattering)
Eg = 0.4 		# Band gap (eV)

band_mass_e = 0.5*me    # Effective electron mass (kg)
band_mass_h = 0.5*me	# Effective hole mass (kg)
tau0_e = 1e-13		# Scattering prefactor for electrons (s)
tau0_h = 1e-13		# Scattering prefactor for holes (s)
NV_e = 1 		# Valley degeneracy for electrons
NV_h = 1 		# Valley degeneracy for holes

then we obtain the following plots:

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