This tutorial showcases how to use Alloy Theoretic Automated Toolkit (ATAT) to create random alloys based on the theory of special quasi-random structure (SQS)
Written by Cheng-Wei Lee (clee2 [at] mines [dot] edu)
Download the source file from the official website (e.g. atat3_36.tar.gz)
upload the file to HPC
decompress the .tar.gz file
"3_36" is the version number
change the directory into the folder
check the makefile within the folder and change the path to binary file (BINDIR) if need
The default path way is ~/bin/ which should be added to $PATH (the default for Kestrel)
Make sure you have g++ , which is provided on Kestrel by default
Then it's time to compile the source code. With the provided makefile, we only need to
and if there are no error messages
Sanity check of compiling
If it returns 0, it indicates no error message. The binary like mcsqs can be found in ~/bin/
Here, we are using the Monte Carlo (mcsqs) approach to find the special quasi-random structures (SQS) that match the correlation of random distribution
To start with, we need a "" file which defines the parent structure. The one for wurtzite AlN is provided below as example
The first six lines define the lattice vectors. If the first three lines form a 3x3 matrix M1 and the next 3 lines for another 3x3 matrix M2. The final lattice vectors in matrix form will be M1xM2. Here's another example for rocksalt AlN
The remaining lines define the basis and the elements. "Al=0.08333333,Gd=0.91666667" is where we can define the Gd content for AlGdN alloys
we need sufficient decimal digit for the fractional numbers (e.g. 8 digit)
The chosen fraction is related to the number of atoms in SQS
Another required input is the files that describe the correlation between atoms. It can be generated using corrdump, which requires
-2 and -3 defines the cutoff radius for what are included as two- and three-body clusters based on the given structure
The provided numbers for the given wurtizte AlN structure are to include the 1st and 2nd nearest neighbors (NN) for generating the two-body clusters and only the 1st NN for the three-body clusters
corrdump will create two files, sym.out and clusters.out, which will be needed for the monte carlo simulation.
With, sym.out, and clusters.out, we can run the mcsqs next
The typical prompt for mcsqs is shown below
Make sure mcsqs is located in the directory whose path is added to $PATH
-n=48 defines the size of SQS. 48 is chosen since we use the increment of 1/12 and we want larger enough of SQS
We need to perform a convergence test with respect to SQS cell size to minimize the mismatch in correlation functions for those 2-body and 3-body clusters
To fully utilize all the cpus of a given node. Here's an example SLURM script for Kestrel, which has 104 cores/node
The idea is to initial parallel MC simulations with different initial seeds.
The goal of the MC simulation is to find a structure that has a distribution of atoms that perfectly match the correlation function of selected 2- and 3-body clusters. During the mcsqs simulation, there are three outputs: mcsqs.log, bestsqs.out, and bestcorr.out
mcsqs.log records the evolution of the MC simulation but only the ones with lower objective functions will be added to it. The mismatches are shown in this file
bestsqs.out is the SQS that best match the correlation function of the clusters
bestcorr.out save the correlation function values for the best SQS
The goal is to find a SQS with not only low objective function but also small mismatches. It is more important to have lower mismatches if two SQS have similar objective function
The bestsqs.out can be converted to VASP POSCAR using the sqs2poscar code
Examples of mismatches in clusters for 48-atom, 72-atom, and 96-atom SQS created for wz-Al1Gd11N12 alloys
48-atom has some clusters with large mismatch, i.e. number > 0.04
72-atom one is acceptable
96-atom SQS is the best among the three